Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Second Test Shot

For experimentation, we went back to the whole projection process but took a different approach, to create quite distorted photographs for our Digipak, and perhaps footage for our music video if they were successful. We went to a drama room again as it is dark and we are able to access good lighting if need be through the studio lights. 

On google I typed in "80s TV distortion" of which I came across this gif. Despite not using the GIF for its entire purpose, we used the still image of it to project onto my body. To add to the distorted TV effect, the camera was set to a longer shutter speed to allow movement in, and I shook my head left to right continuously until we got some successful shots. The idea behind unrevealing her face and distorting it through camera technique is to emphasis the fact the Girl, who will be featured in the music video, is the symbolism of SPCTRM's youth experience, since his image with in the music industry is well abstract and unidentified.

 We then used another photograph of which I typed into Google 'Rainbow light' and came across this photograph of candle flames. I really like this look projected onto myself, as it illuminated the colours form the dark space to create an abstract image upon my dress, still uncovering my identity.

Here are some shots from the production:

Equipment used:

  • Camera 
  • SD Card 
  • Macbook
  • Projector
  • Tripod

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